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true crime / nonfiction

master thief

by andrew welsh-huggins

Andrew deftly tells the story of master thief Sean Murphy, who plays cat and mouse with state and federal authorities for years as he carries out bigger and bigger scores across the Northeast in a career that resembles “The Town” meets “Ocean’s Eleven.” Then he tackles his greatest challenge to date: A Brink’s warehouse in Ohio holding more than $90 million.

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) "A self-described “master thief” career criminal is hoping to catch a break on his prison sentence from burglarizing a Brink’s warehouse during which he accidentally set millions of dollars on fire." - Associated Press

"Master Thief Sean Murphy's Audacious Columbus Brink's Heist: After stealing the New York Giants' Super Bowl rings, the burglar extraordinaire set his sights on an even bigger score—a Brink's warehouse in Milo-Grogan." - Columbus Monthly

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